Benefits of prenatal massage and stretch therapy during pregnancy

benefits of prenatal massage

Common aches and pains during pregnancy

Your body undergoes a lot of physical changes during pregnancy as it makes room for a growing womb. Common symptoms include back aches, sciatica, pelvic pain and round ligament pain. These pain-points become more apparent in the latter stages of the third trimester as your body begins to start preparing for birth. These pains can be really bothersome for some women and even chronic. Thankfully, the benefits of prenatal massage and stretch therapy include managing these discomforts to make your pregnancy much more enjoyable. 

Benefits of stretch and prenatal massage therapy during pregnancy

Prenatal massage and stretch therapy has many benefits to your physiological and emotional health as the body undergoes physical, emotional and hormonal changes. Here are 7 ways prenatal massage and stretch therapy can help manage the symptoms of these changes in pregnancy and even help with delivery :

  1.  Reduces stress and anxiety: Pregnancy can be a stressful time for many women, but regular massage and stretching can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Prenatal massage has been shown to decrease cortisol (stress hormone) levels and increase levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are mood-enhancing hormones.
  2. Improves circulation: Massage and stretching can help to improve blood and lymphatic circulation, which can help to reduce swelling and decrease the risk of developing varicose veins.
  3. Reduces muscle tension: As the body changes and grows during pregnancy, many women experience muscle tension and pain. Regular massage and stretching can help to relieve these symptoms by loosening tight muscles and improving flexibility.
  4. Reduces back pain: Many women experience back pain during pregnancy, which can be caused by the extra weight and strain on the body. Massage and stretching can help to alleviate this pain by releasing tension in the muscles, improving posture, and increasing circulation.massage improves sleep during pregnancy
  5. Improves sleep: Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult during pregnancy, but massage and stretching can help to improve sleep quality by reducing stress and tension in the body.
  6. Improves delivery outcomes: Prenatal massage has been shown to reduce the risk of complications during labor and delivery, including the need for pain medication and interventions such as forceps or vacuum extraction.
  7. Promotes bonding with your baby: Massage and stretching can be a great way to bond with your baby while still in utero. Gentle massage and stretching can soothe your baby and help to promote a sense of relaxation and calm.

Finding a good prenatal massage therapist

When choosing a prenatal massage therapist you want to ensure the practitioner has extensive experience performing massages on pregnant clients. You also want to make sure this person is reputable and licensed to practice. Finally, you want to be sure this person makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. 

Here at Leading Edge we work a ton with pregnant clients. In fact, a majority of our clients are women. If you’re based in NYC we can assist you with all of your fitness and nutrition needs during pregnancy and beyond. If comfort is what you’re after we have our signature in-home massage and stretch therapy service. We know the last thing you want to be doing when you’re pregnant is having to travel to more appointments, which is why we make it convenient for you by offering our services right from the privacy and comfort of your home. 

Looking to schedule an appointment with our licensed in-home massage therapist or to learn more? Contact us today! 

The difference between a prenatal massage and a regular massage

A prenatal massage is geared specifically towards your needs during pregnancy. It’s common to experience aches and pains at some stage of pregnancy and a massage and stretch can help target these pain-points. These areas include the back, hips, feet, neck, shoulders and joints. Massage and stretching can also be a great way to manage added stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue during pregnancy by promoting relaxation through trigger points. 

Unlike traditional massages, prenatal massages don’t involve deep pressure or certain trigger points that may cause contractions, unless you’re trying to stimulate labor. An added benefit of prenatal massage is that it involves unique positioning to keep you comfortable at all times and to ensure you’re feeling calm, relaxed and pain-free.

How often should you get a prenatal massage

You can begin receiving prenatal massages at any stage in their pregnancy. Monthly appointments can help aid your body in supporting the changes that are occurring. Once you’re at 36 weeks weekly appointments can be helpful in preparing your body for birth and even promoting labor if you’re near or past your due date. At 37 weeks you are considered full-term in your pregnancy so it is safe for your baby to come at any time after that week. Massage can help you induce labor naturally.

It’s important to remember that there’s no right or wrong here. Listen to your body and schedule a massage and stretch session as often as you see fit.