Understanding the root causes of back pain

Before we jump into stretching exercises for lower back pain we first need to understand the root causes. Lower back pain is a common problem that plagues adults of all ages. An estimated 85 percent of all American adults will experience some form of back pain during their lifetime. Americans spend a staggering $50 billion each year to treat and prevent lower back pain, which shows people are desperate for solutions.

There are many underlying causes, but a sedentary lifestyle is at the top of the list. Other common causes include:

  • genetics
  • a fall or injury
  • being overweight
  • too much repetition in the same movement pattern
  • degenerative problems, which often occurs in aging
  • mental health as anxiety and depression can influence our perception of pain
  • job-related factors such as heavy lifting, pulling or pushing or sitting at a desk for long hours

Although we can’t control all of these risk factors, back pain is more common among people who are not physically fit. When you have weak back and abdominal muscles it can not properly support the spine. Making moderate physical activity a daily habit can have lasting effects on the integrity of your back.

Stretches & exercises to relieve lower back pain

Stretching is an important component of any exercise program. In many cases, back pain can be relieved through consistent basic stretches. These stretching exercises for lower back pain are for beginners and should be done every day for optimal results. 

Spend at least 1-2 minutes in each position. Repeat each movement 3 times before moving onto the next one. It’s best to do these stretches first thing in the morning to start your day and at least once during the afternoon if you’ve been sitting a lot. 

Here are 5 beginners back stretches for lower back pain that you should be doing:

There are also beginner exercises you can do to improve posture and strengthen your core and back. These exercises can be done at anytime of the day you prefer. You should start to see noticeable changes within just a few weeks.

Here are 5 beginners lower back exercises you should be doing:


How posture can improve back pain

Most of us are guilty of having poor posture by slouching while sitting or standing. This causes the loads on your spine to disperse incorrectly, weakening the tissues in your lower back. Over time bad posture can lead to chronic back pain by causing damage to the muscles, joints and ligaments of the lower back.  Chronic back pain is hard to reverse. To avoid this you need to become more aware of your posture by checking your form while you’re sitting and standing. 

When you’re SITTING make sure your neck is not jetting forward, your shoulders are not rounded forward and that your feet are both planted firmly on the floor. While STANDING you’ll want to engage your core and keep your hips tucked under you to minimize the curve in your lower back. This will help to ensure your body is in alignment and you’re not putting unnecessary strain on your lower back.

Additional measures for relieving lower back pain

If these corrective exercises and stretches are not helping to relieve your lower back pain it is important to get examined by a professional to see what may be the root cause. A doctor can take x-rays on your back to see the health of your spine. You can also get a bone density test done to see if you are at risk for osteoporosis. A chiropractor can perform safe adjustments on you if they notice your back pain is caused by a misalignment of your hips for example. 

Finally, acupuncture which acts by stimulating the central nervous system may be a reliable treatment option. By triggering the release of chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain acupuncture can alter the experience of pain promoting a sense of well-being.

Other treatment options include:

  • Investing in a firmer mattress.
  • Alternating the  application of heat and cold packs.
  • Checking that where you are sitting provides enough back support.
  • Getting a massage regularly to help ease up tension you may be  carrying in your back.
  • Turmeric and willow bark are natural herbs you can take for alleviating back pain as they both contain anti-inflammatory properties.

Back pain is a common pain point you shouldn’t have to live with it. By adjusting your lifestyle and implementing some of these stretching exercises for lower back pain and treatment options you can reduce and even eliminate back pain all together! 

If you are facing any difficulty in understanding or performing any of these exercises or stretches then reaching out to a personal trainer might be in your best interest so you can receive professional guidance. We have a team of trainers always ready to help!

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