What wearable technology is trending

Wearable technology has been a trend in the fitness world for the last several years. Devices like smart watches, fitness trackers and heart rate monitors make it easy for you to track your performance during exercise. You can measure your heart rate and sleep activity, track how many calories you’re burning and how many steps you’ve taken. You can also log your calorie intake, macros and more.  With wearable technology increasing in popularity there’s a ton of competition from different brands. According to Cnet.com the best ranked wearable tech for 2019 includes the “Apple Watch Series 4, Samsung Galaxy Watch Active, Fitbit Versa, Fitbit Charge 3 and Amazfit Bip.” These devices promise longer battery life, more functionality, built-in cellular for data and phone calls and sleek designs. They also promise bigger screens and in some cases competitive prices.

The future of wearable technology

There’s no telling what products will come next, but wearable technology specialists predict newer more innovative ideas. Time.com interviewed these specialists and shared what products we may see in the future of wearable technology. These include things like earrings that track your heart rate, body temperature and blood oxygen levels. Not to mention, nail polish with microchips to track your movements and shoe sensors to help regulate body temperature. Even a virtual assistant built into your contact lenses will help predict your thoughts and emotional response.

Benefits to your health

Having accessibility to this type of wearable technology gives you the opportunity to be more informed about your health so you can be proactive. It also gives you an incentive to want to work harder because you can measure your results and your progress. It’s like having your own virtual accountability partner built into a smart device.

Room for error with wearable technology

The problem with having many different wearable technology gadgets on the market is that it’s hard to know which is most accurate.The results from different brands offering the same tracking features vary sometimes drastically. For example, one device may say you burned 500 calories during your workout whereas another device may say you burned only 350 calories. There is also always a margin of error with every device to bear in mind. 

Nevertheless, having at least an approximation of what you are burning is still better than not knowing at all. 

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