Replace the GYM with a home workout routine

Working out in a gym is not possible right now due to the risks involved with the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Sharing gym equipment increases the likelihood of contracting and spreading the virus. However, there’s NO reason why you can’t keep your workout routine going indoors from the safety of your home. The more we can maintain our daily routine the more we can create a sense of normalcy during these trying times.

You can easily replace most of the machines and equipment you would normally use in the gym with light weight resistance bands and free weights from home. You can even get creative and incorporate water jugs, towels, and furniture if you don’t have any equipment. In our 10-minute home workout we show you how you can workout using just your own body weight.

With no equipment or any special workout attire necessary and so many options for virtual training you don’t have an excuse to miss a workout. You can choose to have a personalized workout from a virtual trainer, a streamed live workout or you can watch a preloaded workout video on YouTube. Many workout classes that were offered in person prior to the pandemic are making their classes available online as well!

Pick what works best for your needs.

Skipping workouts could set you back

Exercise is vital to your health and especially important to building immunity against this pandemic outbreak. According to leading physiologists from the University of Bath’s Department of Health, “exercise can help the immune system find and deal with pathogens, and in the long term, regular exercise slows down changes that happen to the immune system with ageing, therefore reducing the risk of infections.”

Psychological stress and mental health is also better managed through exercise, which has a positive effect on your mood. Serotonin levels are boosted and feel-good endorphins are released through regular exercise.

Skipping your workouts now could also set you back on the progress you made in the gym. It doesn’t take long for muscles to start to atrophy without use. This leads to the onset of other ailments like back and joint pain.

Consistency is important for any kind of progress, but also to maintain what you already attained.

Other healthy habits to make part of your fitness routine

There are many ways one can try adopting & making a switch towards healthy habits without sticking to any rigid diet plan. Some healthy habits that you can start with:

  • You can boost your immunity by eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables. The more leafy greens the better! Try to also eat some of your vegetables raw so you don’t lose any of the nutritional benefits. A nutritious diet coupled with exercise can help you better maintain a healthy weight.
  • You should also make sure you’re getting enough quality sleep as this can also put stress on the body.
  • Make sure you’re LIMITING your consumption of alcohol and processed foods.

Following these healthy lifestyle habits won’t just help boost your immunity against disease and infection, they will also help keep your body strong for a better quality of life.

These factors help reduce your biological age slowing the aging process.

Routine is good for the psyche

As much as our lives seem uprooted right now it’s important to maintain some sense of normalcy. We can do this by holding onto the routines in our lives that we can still control.

Exercise is one of them!

Keeping up with our exercise routine will help us form new healthy habits. This routine will also help us:

  • better cope with the changes we are experiencing.
  • create order in our lives, which also helps us mange stress, anxiety, depression and even insomnia.

Establishing a routine on a personal level can also help with forming routines on a professional and relationship level. This will make your work environment healthier and the added strain on families forced to spend an unprecedented amount of time together easier.

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