How vitamins can help with skin aging

When we talk about health it’s important to consider how you treat your skin because your skin is the largest organ of your body. Although it is impossible to 100% prevent the effects of aging, you can add a variety of vitamins for healthy skin to your diet. From fighting fine lines and wrinkles to reducing the appearance of acne, vitamins offer a variety of benefits for skin health. Some vitamins even act as antioxidants preventing free radicals from damaging cells in the body and skin.

What vitamins are good for your skin

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays several roles in improving and protecting your skin’s health. First, it protects the skin against the effects of ultraviolet radiation damage. It boosts skin cell turnover, improves skin texture, and refreshes collagen production.

Vitamin A has been shown to improve the effects of photoaging on the skin. These effects include wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, freckles, and roughness.

You can obtain more vitamin A either by taking it orally through fish oil or from foods like milk, eggs, dark leafy greens and mango.

B-complex vitamins

The eight B vitamins are vital for the health of our entire bodies. However, they can be considered the best skin vitamins because they offer so many different benefits for skin health. For example, B vitamins help improve the signs of aging, acne, and skin tone.

Vitamin B-3, niacinamide, has been shown to reduce the appearance of age spots and discoloration. Vitamin B-5 has been shown to reduce acne and skin inflammation. Both B-3 and B-5 can help improve skin tone and texture. And according to a 2018 study, vitamin B can help the body produce new skin cells.

The best source of vitamin B complex includes seafood, poultry, eggs, meat, dairy products and fortified foods like cereal.

Vitamin C

vitamin c foods

Vitamin C is vital for skin health. Both dietary and topical vitamin C are beneficial for skin cells. Vitamin C has strong antioxidant properties and plays a vital role in collagen production. Some studies have shown that vitamin C as a skin vitamin may be effective against ultraviolet-induced photodamage.

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C protect skin cells from UV-induced damage caused by free radicals. Beyond its antioxidant properties, vitamin C regulates the synthesis of collagen. In addition, it has been shown to stabilize collagen production, which increases its ability to repair damaged skin.

An observational study found that higher levels of dietary vitamin C were associated with better skin appearance, with notable decreases in visible wrinkles.

You can obtain vitamin C from fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, bell peppers and cruciferous vegetables.

Vitamin D

While Vitamin D is typically linked to bone health, it has also been shown to greatly benefit your skin health and help treat skin conditions like dry skin and eczema.

According to an Archives of Internal Medicine report, 77% of Americans “have a deficiency in vitamin D levels, affecting their overall health.” So it’s essential to get a healthy amount of it, but you must get this vital skin vitamin without also getting a sunburn. Healthy levels of vitamin D have been linked to the prevention of skin aging, but too much sun will accelerate skin aging. Because of this, it’s a good idea to take an oral supplement. Don’t let a lack of vitamin D make you less than mindful about how much sun you’re getting. Always wear sunscreen.

Vitamin D can be found in cod liver oil, salmon, swordfish, tuna fish, orange juice fortified with vitamin D and dairy fortified with vitamin D.

Other health benefits of vitamins

Just as there are vitamins for healthy skin these vitamins are equally important for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Due to depleted soil, industrial farming, and the increase in processed food production our food supply has fewer nutrients than it once did. Vitamins are a great way to supply the body with the nutrients our bodies are lacking.

For example, Vitamin D helps with our body’s absorption of calcium from our diet which can help prevent osteoporosis and bone density loss. Low vitamin D can also lead to anxiety and depression. Vitamin A also helps to promote bone health. Both vitamin B6 and vitamin C helps boost your immune system to guard your body against the risk of infection and help fight free radicals in the body.

Choosing the best vitamin supplement for you

When deciding which vitamins you need it’s best to have your doctor run a blood test to test for any deficiencies. You should also tell your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms of vitamin deficiencies: extreme hair loss, bone or joint pain, excessive fatigue, sudden vision changes, wounds that heal slowly, or an irregular heartbeat.

Also watch out for skin issues possibly related to vitamin deficiencies. Hyperpigmentation could be a symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency and red, dry or itchy skin could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

For more skincare tips and figuring out for you the best vitamins for healthy skin check out Skin Spa New York.They are a skincare concierge service we’ve partnered with here in New York City who offer all types of skin treatments to improve fine lines, skin laxity, and more. You can reach out on their site to book a consultation with one of their specialists. 

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