The debate over supplement use to build muscle

The debate over whether or not you need supplements to build muscle and increase strength is one that has been raging for years in the fitness and bodybuilding world. On one side, you have those who believe that you can achieve your desired results simply by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest. On the other side, you have those who believe supplements are necessary to maximize your gains and reach your full potential. So, what’s the real answer?

What matters most for building muscle

The truth is that supplements can certainly help you build muscle and increase strength, but they are far from essential. Eating a balanced diet and following a sensible exercise program are the two most important factors when it comes to building muscle and increasing strength. If you’re not getting the results you want, it’s likely because you’re not following a good program or eating enough of the right foods.

When you’re training to build muscle it’s important that you’re following a program that is designed to help you get stronger week to week by incorporating progressive overload training. This is a type of training that involves gradually increasing the intensity or difficulty of your workouts over time to maximize results.

Your diet is also important because you need to make sure you’re getting sufficient calories and protein for the most optimal results from your training. We can help by designing a customized meal plan for you to ensure you’re hitting your goals and are still able to enjoy flexibility in your diet! 

Supplements that can be beneficial for building muscle

That being said, there are some supplements that can help you reach your goals faster. Creatine, for example, can boost your performance in the gym by increasing your energy levels and allowing you to push harder during your workouts. Your body stores creatine as phosphocreatine primarily in your muscles where it’s used for energy. This is a natural compound that the body produces and that is also found in foods like red meat, poultry and fish. However, the levels found in our body naturally and in foods are much lower. This is why taking creatine as a supplement can optimize your performance and help you build muscle quicker.

Pre-workout supplements can also be taken shortly before your workouts to help you increase your performance by boosting energy, cognition, stamina and power. The three main ingredients in most pre-workout are: caffeine, beta-alanine, and citrulline. Beta-alanine is a naturally occurring beta amino acid and citrulline is an amino acid found in watermelon. The body uses amino acids for vital body functions like building proteins, hormones and neurotransmitters.

protein powder

Protein powder can also help you get more protein and even vital micronutrients into your diet, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. If you’re trying to build lean muscle, whey protein isolate is a better choice than whey protein concentrate because it contains more protein and less fat and carbs. This makes it a more efficient energy source. Plant proteins are also good as long as they contain at least 20-30 grams of protein per serving. On days you workout it’s best to take your protein powder after your workout to help your body replenish what you burned during your workout and to help with post-workout muscle recovery. If you’re trying to build muscle it’s recommended that you take protein powder everyday to ensure you’re able to maintain at least 100 grams of protein per day or .7 of your body weight in grams. 

Fish oil is a supplement that is also found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and trout as well as shellfish. It’s high in omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. These fatty acids can benefit bodybuilders and weight lifters by reducing muscle soreness and severe delayed onset muscle soreness. Fish oil is most beneficial with long-term use. You should aim to take 2-3 grams per day.

Myths about supplements

If the supplement says it’s natural, it must be safe. 

“Natural” is a coined term that says little about the safety or effectiveness of a supplement. Before you start taking a supplement it’s important to read and understand the label, do your own research and be weary of extreme claims like “completely safe.” Also always check with your doctor first.

In most cases, multi-vitamin supplements don’t pose any health risks unless it interferes with any medication you’re taking. It’s important to note that federal regulations for dietary supplements are less strict than prescription drugs so these should be consumed with extra caution. 

Supplements are a great alternative for weight loss

Many weight loss supplements contain ingredients that are contaminated, ineffective, dangerous or actually illegal. Most help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite so severely that your calorie consumption is reduced to unhealthy levels. Not only can this leave you feeling ill, it can cause poor body functioning, severe energy loss and dizziness. This is not a healthy or sustainable tactic for weight loss. 

Supplements promote longevity of health

There is simply no substitute for a well-balanced diet and exercise routine. Research has shown that people who eat more vegetables and fruits in their diet have a lower risk of diseases. There are some exceptions here. Vitamin D supplement has been shown to be beneficial for people who live in colder climates especially during the darker months.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also advises females of child-bearing age to take folic acid supplements. To help ensure a healthy pregnancy women who are pregnant should also look at taking a daily prenatal vitamin. In general, though, for adults without health conditions who eat a balanced diet, the vast majority of supplements are nonessential. 

Final thoughts about supplement use

At the end of the day, supplements are not a necessity for building muscle and increasing strength. You can achieve your goals with just a good diet and exercise program. However, if you’re looking to maximize your progress and get to your goals faster, then supplements can certainly be beneficial. But it should be noted that taking supplements alone is not enough for muscle growth. It’s important that you’re also following an effective and consistent exercise program and eating the right foods. We can walk you through this process by designing a plan that is just right for you! To learn more schedule a free phone consultation with us! 


Frequently asked questions (FAQS) about supplements

Should I have a supplement break month?

A month break isn’t necessary, but a week long break can be beneficial depending on what you’re taking. If you’re taking something like caffeine, sometimes a week long break is beneficial so your body becomes re-sensitized to it. Otherwise you would likely need to continue increasing your dose for the same effects.  An example of a supplement that you shouldn’t take time off from taking is creatine. This is because it takes time to build up in your system for optimal benefits and if you stop taking it you have to start that process over. Listen to your body and if you feel like something is off you should seek advice from a medical professional.


Should I stack supplements for muscle building?

The only two supplements proven to positively impact muscle growth, are creatine and protein powder. Both of these supplements are safe to take together for most people.


Is there any side effects of creatine after you stop taking it?

The only side effect of stopping creatine is that you lose whatever benefits you gained. You’ll likely lose the strength, endurance and cognitive boost to your workouts that you were gaining by taking it.

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