Why it's impossible to target belly fat

Contrary to popular belief, there are unfortunately no specific exercises you can do to target stubborn belly fat. You can do crunches all day and have very little to show for it. This is because where we lose fat is genetically redetermined so trying to focus solely on your stomach will only leave you frustrated. Focusing instead on losing weight overall will however help you in your pursuit. However, this is no simple process. 

5 Ways diet and nutrition play a role in belly fat

Diet and nutrition is the most important first step to take for stomach fat loss. You can never compete with an unhealthy diet no matter how much exercise you do. Here are 5 tips you should start doing:

  1. Curb your intake of alcohol and sweetened beverages.  Calories from alcohol add up fast, which can quickly put you into a caloric surplus. Increased regular alcohol consumption has also been linked to increased belly fat likely due to an increase in visceral fat. Sugary beverages act the same way in that they spike your blood sugar and insulin levels resulting in more belly fat storage.
  2. Avoid foods that contain trans fats, which have been linked to inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance, and abdominal fat gain. Trans fats are found in processed foods such as pre-packaged foods, margarine and spreads, fast foods, and fried foods. To help avoid trans fats start eating more whole foods and pay attention to food labels. Trans fats can also be labeled as partially hydrogenated fats.
  3. Eat a high protein diet. This doesn’t mean you have to cut out carbs, it just means approximately 30% of your calories should be coming from protein. Protein is important for weight management because it raises your metabolic rate, which allows you to burn fat more efficiently. Protein also keeps you full longer to keep you from overeating and helps you retain muscle mass during weight loss to improve your overall body composition.
  4. Cut back on carbs, especially refined sugars. Replacing simple carbs with unprocessed complex carbs such as whole grains can be enough to trigger belly fat loss. Refined carbs are void of most fiber, minerals, and vitamins so they are considered “empty calories,” These foods include: white flour, white bread, white rice, pastries, sodas, snacks, pasta, sweets, breakfast cereals and added sugars. Due to their high glycemic index, simple carbs lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels after meals. High levels of insulin over time result in fat storage, specifically around the abdomen. 
  5. Eat more soluble fiber, which is slow to digest, keeping you full longer to prevent you from overeating. Good sources of soluble fiber include flax seeds, Brussel sprouts, avocados, blackberries, and legumes. Soluble fiber also helps with weight loss by blocking fats that would otherwise be digested and absorbed.

Other beneficial ways to target stubborn belly fat

Belly fat isn’t only caused by what you eat. Your lifestyle also plays a role. Here are other ways you can lose your belly fat:

  1. Lower your stress levels. Chronic stress causes a spike in the hormone, cortisol. There has been shown to be a strong link between uncontrollable stress and bell fat. You can learn to manage your stress levels through exercise, meditation, and sleep.
  2. Exercise, specifically resistance training. Strength training promotes muscle growth, which increases your energy expenditure. You end up burning more calories throughout the day. Resistance training also helps reduce visceral fat, which tends to store around the mid-section.
  3. Stay active. It’s important that you don’t remain too sedentary. Aside from exercise, you should spend less time sitting and more time moving. Spend more time outdoors. Get more steps in.
  4. Get more sleep. Believe it or not the amount and quality of your sleep has an effect on your weight. Aim for at least 7 hours of restful sleep per night.
  5. Drink more water. Dehydration causes your body to retain more water causing bloat. It can also lead to poor digestion and constipation.

Lose belly fat and live healthier too

Although you can’t magically melt belly fat away, with the right diet and lifestyle changes you can achieve your desired results. Give yourself time and recognize how these changes not only help you get rid of stubborn belly fat but also help you feel better too! When you live a healthier lifestyle you’ll look and feel better on the inside and out!

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