Why live training sessions are so popular

If you’re accustomed to working out in the gym or have never worked out before we can see how a live training session online can seem daunting at first glance. However, due to the convenience and effectiveness of live training online its popularity has grown exponentially from our experience. It has quickly become our most sought after training model. In some ways, we like to think that Covid has pushed us outside of our comfort zone and into the future of fitness.

From our experience, once clients try a live training session it quickly becomes their style of choice. Only time will tell if this will change. However, we believe the popularity in live training sessions online is here to stay, and here’s why:

  • As long as you have a good Wi-Fi connection you have the advantage of being able to train anytime and anywhere regardless of time zones, location or weather conditions.
  • You have the convenience of being able to train from home so you no longer need to travel beyond your living room to get your workout in. 
  • There’s an opportunity to save on the cost of a gym membership because you don’t really need all those machines anyway.
  • You get to see how training with the most minimal equipment can get you the same desired results.
  • It’s often more cost-effective than hiring a personal trainer to travel to you or to train you at the gym.
  • You no longer have to search for a personal trainer. We pair you up with the perfect fit for your fitness needs and availability. 

How to schedule and set-up your live training session

Schedule Call – To get started with your live training session you will first need to schedule a FREE phone consultation with our team. During this call we will assess your fitness and scheduling needs and discuss our program with you in more detail. Then we will pair you with the best matched personal trainer from our team.  

Setting Up Session – The set-up process is simple with live online training. Once you schedule your training session you will receive a zoom link to join our video session 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. There is no need to download anything. You can use your phone, computer or tablet as your video interface. We usually recommend using your phone and a tripod stand so you can easily adjust your lens to fit your full body in the screen.

Equipment – Then all you need to begin your workout is open floor space to be able to move comfortably, a yoga mat, and your water bottle. You may also need any other lightweight equipment we discuss during your initial consultation call. We usually recommend some form of resistance bands, dumbbells or kettlebells for our clients once they’ve mastered using their own body weight for resistance.

Our live training session program options

We offer both live online one-on-one training and live online group training sessions. There are a few differences, which will help you decide which method of training is best for you. 

Live 1-on-1 training is like having your very own personal trainer except instead of being face to face you interact with each other through a screen. The advantage here is that you get a personalized exercise program tailored to your specific fitness needs. Our trainer is there to coach you through every movement to make any form adjustments and to make sure you understand what muscles you should be engaging. You also have the benefit of scheduling your sessions at a time that is most convenient for you. 

Each session is an hour-long. The first 50-55 minutes are focused on training total body. Then we spend the last 5 minutes walking you through a full-body static stretch. 

Live small group training is in a class format. There are usually 5-10 people present in every class. For this reason, the class is designed to be suited for all fitness levels. Unlike 1-on-1 training, we solely focus on body-weight training. We provide beginner and advanced variations of each exercise so that everyone in the class can participate. The pace is much faster in the class setting so we can maintain the flow of the class. Our trainer teaches the exercises by performing them with the class. The goal is to try to keep up whereas in the live 1-on-1 training each exercise is demonstrated and our trainer watches you as you perform the exercise. If you enjoy exercising to music in a class dynamic then this is the perfect choice for you!

Getting started with live training session

To get started you can contact us to schedule your free phone consultation. If you’re ready to jump right in you can go ahead and enroll in the live small group training sessions, which are held every Wednesday at 5pm EST. If you have to miss a class you will receive the recording of the class so you can do it on your own. To sign-up for a live one-on-one training session you will need to contact us so we can pair you up with one of our trainers that is best suited for you! 

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