Home gym ideas even more popular in a pandemic

Home gym ideas are taking center stage when it comes to working out during a pandemic. We all know that regular physical exercise is ultimately beneficial for our health and appearance. And many of us can’t imagine life without regular workouts in the gym. However, today’s world situation dictates its own rules. We all are aware of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Today, going to the fitness studio is really dangerous since it’s a good place for virus spreading. People breathe deeply, share equipment, and stay pretty close to each other. In such conditions, it’s easy to get infected. 

So, what is the way out of this situation?

The best solution here is to either hire an online personal trainer for virtual training or you can even build your own home gym. The good news is that neither online training nor home gym organizations require huge investments of time and money. Even if you are confined to a small space in your apartment, you can still make it work! We work with people in studio apartment even. 

Below, we have shared home gym ideas from our experts! Scroll down!

How to build the perfect home gym

Here are 5 simple tips for making your home gym everything you desired it to be:

1. Choose and prepare an exercise zone

If you have a spare room in your house, you are lucky! By the way an attic, basement, or garage will also work well. You can use this space to accommodate your sports equipment, but first you’ll want to declutter. This means you will want to remove any objects that will restrict your ability to freely move during exercise.

Once this space is tided up you can begin shopping for exercise equipment such as a treadmill or stationary bike, dumbbells, an exercise mat and anything else you prefer.  

If you don’t have a full separate room you can create a multi-purpose room instead by creating a little workout corner or nook in your living area or bedroom. If all else fails you can use any vacant floor space to spread out your yoga mat and use this area for your exercises.

Whatever location you choose you’ll want to consider the type of flooring and the average temperature in the room to ensure it’s most favorable for exercise.

2. Home gym lighting

Home gym lighting is also an important component of a good home gym since your comfort hugely depends on it. Lack of lightning or too bright light can cause headaches or simply discourage you from using your home gym. Therefore, when organizing a place for your sweat sessions, think about what type of illumination will work best for you. It can be overhead lamps or floor illumination. If you like dimness, use blinds or window dressings.

3. Home gym mirrors

It will be most beneficial for you to install a mirror in your home workout space so that you can check your form during exercise and enjoy a quick hair and wardrobe check. Another perk of mirrors is that they reflect light making your home gym appear more spacious. This will make you feel less cramped if you’re confined to a small space. 

4. Create a home gym workout plan

Having a workout plan is always important when it comes to exercise so you can have an efficient and effective program.  It’s wise to use a dry erase board or chalkboard to write your plan and track your progress and achievements. Having this visual cue helps to hold you accountable and keep you motivated. 

Also, create a calendar schedule to keep track of how often you use your home gym. Planning and tracking will keep you consistent with your workouts.

Along with your workout plan include some motivational quotes to keep you inspired to workout even when you don’t feel like it. They’ll boost your energy levels and make the space more attractive. 

5. Essential home gym equipment and accessories

We recommend having the following things in your home gym, they’ll help to make your workouts more effective and comfortable.



  • Storage items – shelves, cabinets, hooks, decorative bins
  • Towels
  • Water cooler
  • TV, computer, or audio speakers
  • Fan
  • Heater

These tips will help you create your personalized, comfortable, and hygienic home gym so you don’t waste your time and money on a public gym. Besides, working out in your own gym is far safer, considering today’s circumstances

Making the most of your home gym

If you have the perfect home environment to workout in, but still struggle to stay motivated to use it you can reach out to our team of highly acclaimed personal trainers to help you develop the best workout program for you! Whether you prefer hands-on support or just a gentle nudge to get you started we are here to help. Let us help you get yourself set-up for success. Nothing is more important to us than seeing you succeed on your fitness journey. 

This article was written by Kevin, a content writer for about 3 years for Gym Expert. He studied Design and Arts at College in Pennsylvania. A fan of home interior design and, he has taken it upon himself to spread his love for decorating homes by informing people on some of his ideas through his articles.

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